Monday, May 10, 2010


noun ; [val-yoo]
1) relative worth, merit, or importance
2) the worth of something in terms of the amount of other things for which it can be exchanged or in terms of some medium of exchange
3) to consider with respect to worth, excellence, usefulness, or importance.
4) to regard or esteem highly

We all are guilty of taking advantage of something at some point in our lives, since we're all guilty it doesn't make it a serious crime ( considering it wasn't a person that we were taking advantage of ). As humans, none if us are perfect, we make mistakes to learn from them, but then again it's not really a mistake if you come out a better person; but who's to say that we ARE the mistakes we make.
Everyone's life is different, and everyone experiences their own ups and downs, meaning everyone deals with stuff in a different way. Whether good or bad, I deal with stuff through writing, I'll maybe shed a tear or two when necessary, but if I had never learned to write I couldn't imagine myself being the person I am today.

Everything has a purpose regardless of what it is, we as humans have a greater purpose in relation to other things, for example a pen can only be a pen for that was the reason it was created. We, unlike materialistic things, can do greater stuff and achieve more. Just as everything has a purpose, everything also has a 'value', whether it be in the form of money, or just be of great importance to someone.
My purpose is one thing that I leave in the hands of God, I have faith that He will lead me along the right paths and in the right direction. God is the one thing in my life I value most.

But getting to the point ... we never take into consideration how much we value something, it's not until something goes wrong, or you find it's missing, that you truly understand the importance of it. I, for one, am guilty of taking advantage, and being quick to act in situations. You can build up so much respect, love, friendship, strength, understanding etc etc, but it can be torn down with one simple word, one simple action.

I value so many things in my life, and today I have learned to treasure the things that mean most to me as you never know when you may lose them. It's okay to not want to put so much of you into something; investment, in return, can give you a lot ... but that's a whole different blog-post altogether haha

So in order to live a life well-fulfilled, acknowledge the value of things. Value your life, make the most of every day you wake up into. It's the little things we forget about that could truly make dull days a lot brighter. Value your opinion and don't be too afraid to stand behind it, your opinion is worth just as much as the next person's. Appreciate the things that are important to you while you have them, and don't let it take for you to lose something to realize its worth.

Know that you, yourself, are of some sort of value to someone, and although you are one small person in this big destructive world, you are unique and irreplaceable (:

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